A look back at the 23/24 Academic Year!

Friday, July 19, 2024

What a year!

We have had an extremely busy year. Before the end of this academic year, we would like to reflect and share some of our memorable moments with you. 

Flourish Education has gained 100% in their APSCo Compliance+ audit for 3 years running

We gained 100% in our APSCO Compliance+ Audit for the third year in a row!

In December we gained 100% in our APSCO Compliance+ Audit, for the third year in a row! We are one of only a handful of agencies in the West Midlands to have received 100% in their most recent Compliance+ Audit, showing how seriously we take compliance, and that you can have the utmost trust in our recruitment and compliance process.

Flourish’s Father Christmas has been visiting Schools across the Midlands, handing out over 1300 books to EYFS & KS1 pupils.

Flourish Father Christmas

Following on from the success of last year, Flourish’s Father Christmas and his grotto made his annual trip around primary schools across the West Midlands, handing out over 1300 books to EYFS and KS1 pupils.

The Flourish team attended various conferences & meetings, listening to schools' current recruitment & retention challenges


We have been out and about at various Conferences and Meetings this year and it’s been wonderful to speak to so many schools and listen to their current recruitment and retention challenges.

When you join Flourish, we ensure you’re fully equipped with all the essentials you need, for your first day working with us.

Welcome Packs

Although Schools, always make our team feel valued, it can be hard working supply to feel that you belong. We wanted to ensure our Flourish Champions feel like they are part of our Flourish team. Every time a teacher or candidate goes live with us, they receive their ID Badge along with a water bottle, a DBS wallet and a 4-colour pen.

Our team had a great day at Birmingham Newman University, meeting undergrads and PGCE students who are graduating this year.

ECT Job Interviews

We have been busy building partnerships with local universities this year and helping students prepare for their ECT Job Interviews.

Flourish Champions of Spring Term, Supply Teachers and Teaching Assistants who have gone the extra mile for our supply agency

Flourish Champions of the Term

Every term we ask our schools to nominate a Flourish Champion of the term – someone who has gone above and beyond for their school. It is fast becoming a highlight of a term for us!

This year, we launched a series of Flourish Roundtable online events

Flourish Roundtables

This year saw us launch a series of Flourish Roundtable events:

Supporting, Empowering and Elevating Your EYFS Leader

Help! I’m an ECT – what’s next?

They have been a huge success, and we look forward to more Roundtable events next academic year.


We hope you have a wonderful summer and that you find time to do some of the things that you love, with the people that you love and care for and we look forward to working with you in the new academic year.

All the best, from all of us at Flourish.