The number of full-time equivalent Teachers has only grown by 0.06% in 2023

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Department of Education has recently released its School Workforce 2023 data, showing that there were only 480 more full-time teacher entrants than there were leavers in the last year. This means that from 2022 to 2023, the number of full-time equivalent teachers has only grown by 0.06%.

The School Workforce data is mainly based on the Census that runs every November. The census collects information from schools and local authorities on the school workforce in state-funded schools in England.

West Midlands School Workforce Key Facts and Figures for 2023:

  • There are 52,304 full time equivalent (FTE) Teachers in the West Midlands.
  • There are 29,735 FTE Teaching Assistants in the West Midlands.
  • Pupil-to-teacher ratios are slightly higher than the national average. 21.4 pupils per teacher in nurseries and primary schools, 16.7 in secondary schools, and 6.9 in special and PRU schools.
  • The number of Teacher vacancies in the West Midlands has increased by 20% this year to 310, which is in line with national growth.
  • Temporary filled posts have also increased to 428 in the West Midlands.
  • The average Teacher salary in the West Midlands is £43,832, close to the national average.

National School Workforce Key Facts and Figures for 2023:

  • The number of FTE teachers has only increased by 293 since 2022, bringing the total to 468,693 FTE Teachers in England.
  • There are now 282,925 FTE Teaching Assistants, 1825 more than the previous year.
  • Pupil to teacher ratio is virtually identical to the previous year. 20.8 pupils per teacher in nurseries and primary schools, 16.8 in secondary schools and 6.5 in special and PRU schools.
  • There were 44,002 entrants and 43,522 leavers meaning there are only 480 more FTE teachers in 2023.
  • The number of teacher vacancies has increased by 20%, from 2,330 to 2,800.
  • Temporary filled posts have also increased by 10%, from 3,300 to 3.650.
  • The average teacher salary for teachers now stands at £43,801.

You can read the full school workforce report here.

To see a summary of last year’s facts and figures in the West Midlands, see our previous news article.

If your school has teacher or teaching assistant vacancies that you are struggling to fill, please call our team today on 0300 303 3227.