What should I do if I spot a Safeguarding Concern?

What should I do if I spot a safeguarding concern?

Every person has a responsibility to protect children from harm, ensuring that the approach is child centred. When working in a school, it is remarkably important to identify safeguarding concerns and promote the welfare of children in terms of:

  • Protecting them from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of a child’s mental and physical health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

If you are in a position where you notice a concern or a child brings a concern to you, you should:

  • Call 999 if a child is in immediate danger – To ensure their immediate safety
  • Follow the safeguarding policy of the school – refer to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – you should find out who this is on your first day at a new school
  • Never make assumptions
  • Listen carefully
  • Don’t ask questions – you don’t want to put anything in their head
  • Reassure the person who has told you that they have done the right thing
  • Don’t make promises to keep secrets (explain you may need to share with those who ‘need to know’)
  • Explain what you are going to do next
  • Take clear detailed notes without opinions
  • If there is an observation e.g. bruising, make an account of what you have seen:
    • Size, shape, colour, position on the body
    • Appearance of the person disclosing e.g. smell, condition of clothing, pain or difficulty moving
    • Description of behaviour        
  • Always keep notes as they may be needed in the future along with the date, time, and your signature

All candidates working through Flourish Education are expected to keep children and vulnerable adults safe by:

  • Following the our policies including our Candidate Code of Conduct
  • Following the Safeguarding Policy of each placement, including any Code of Conduct the school may have.
  • Making the DSL at the placement aware of any concerns regarding any children/vulnerable adults; or any adults caring for or working with those persons (aka as Whistleblowing)
  • Seeking advice and support from Flourish Education’s Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO) when you have reason to believe that your concerns have not been responded to appropriately or you have concerns about practice in the placement

Flourish Education is available 24/7.  If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding, you can call your dedicated consultant anytime of the day or night or speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Officers on 0300 303 3227

We have two trained Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO) – Toni Pike our Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) and Courtney Dunkley who is our Deputy Safeguarding Officer.