41% of teachers don’t expect to be in the teaching profession in the 3 years time!

Thursday, June 8, 2023

A new report released yesterday, alarmingly shows that 41% of teachers don’t expect to be in the teaching profession in the next 3 years. The report, Teacher Recruitment and Retention Report 2023 released by Teacher Tapp and SchoolDash and funded by Gatsby highlights the continued difficulties in teacher recruitment and retention.

Here are the 6 biggest takeaways from the report:

Significant Recruitment Challenges in Secondary Schools

Now that the majority of children from the 2009 - 2012 baby boom are moving up to secondary school; secondary schools and academies are under significant pressure to recruit the required number of teachers needed to meet demand. Job vacancies have increased by 12% compared to the previous year. Secondary teacher vacancies that are currently unfilled have reached a record-breaking 13%.

Primary School Teacher Shortage is expected to ease

On the other end of the spectrum, with many of the children from the 2009 - 2012 baby boom moving on to secondary schools, the pressure on primary school recruitment is easing due to the declining pupil rolls which in turn reduces the demand for teacher. That said, the report highlights that 9% of primary teachers reported having unfiled teaching vacancies in their school.

There are still long-term concerns over School Recruitment due to teachers leaving the profession in record numbers

Due to the high level of dissatisfaction among the teaching profession, the challenges of retention of teaching staff is expected to over shadow the significant recruitment challenges facing secondary schools. This report highlighted that 41% of teachers don’t expect to still be teaching in 3 years time, a huge jump compared to 23% pre-pandemic.

Challenges in Senior Leadership Team Recruitment

After the high number of headteacher retirements after the pandemic, the Department of Education records an increase in the number of new headteacher appointments. However, now the struggle will fall onto appointing deputy and assistant heads. But as the research shows, the desire to become a headteacher has fallen from 56% to 43%.

Different Coping Strategies for Staff Shortages

The report highlights the different paths Primary and Secondary Schools are taking different paths when it comes to addressing their current staff shortages. The primary heads approach is to use agency staff and HLTAs as class teachers, with a plan to start using deputy and head teachers as classroom teachers. Whereas secondary heads are trying a multitude of options including bigger classes, changing student timetables, offering fewer GCSE options and hiring non-subject-specific teachers.

Challenges of Flexible Working

With a lot more sectors becoming more accustomed to flexible working and working from home, this presents a significant issue for the teaching profession. With issues like teacher shortages and budget constraints, it has become more difficult to put flexible working into practice. Many teachers are simply asking for the chance to go home during their PPA time or some time off for special occasions.

You can read the full report by clicking here


Does your school currently have unfilled teaching and non-teaching vacancies?

If so, please call our friendly team today, on 0300 3033227 to see how we can help and support your school with your current recruitment needs.


Are you a teacher looking for a better work/life balance?

If so, view our current vacancies on our jobs page, email your CV to office@flourisheducation.co.uk or call us today on 0300 3033227