Flourish Education Candidate Code Of Conduct

A group of teachers, teaching assistants and school senior leadership team raising their hands in unity agreeing to the Flourish Education Recruitment Agency Candidate Code Of Conduct 

Flourish Education expects the following from our candidates

“Flourish Education are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment."

Flourish Education Candidates agree to:

  • Arrive in school no later than 8.15 unless it is a morning call, where I shall give an estimated time of arrival or a different time is agreed ahead of the booking.
  • Take prepared teaching resources and planning if needed for an assignment.
  • Dress in accordance with the school dress code – if you are unsure please ask your consultant.
  • Attend staff meetings/parent’s evenings etc, if required, when on a long term assignment.
  • Report all accidents to Flourish Education and the school as soon as possible.
  • Follow the school’s discipline policy, and never engage in physical contact with any children at any time.
  • Follow the schools safeguarding policy, reporting any concerns you may have including safeguarding, radicalisation or FGM.
  • To remain behind at the end of the day until all pupils have safely left, and all work is marked if necessary.
  • You are an ambassador for Flourish education and should remain professional and friendly at all times.
  • Ensure the behaviours and languages you are displaying are suitable for children, you play an important role model in the lives of children.
  • You should never engage in a relationship outside of the school with pupils or parents either in person or online, even after you stop working at that school.
  • You should never use your mobile devices while children are present/during contact time. Use of mobile phones should only be in staff rooms and offices where there are no children present.
  • You should never access social media around the children and must not give contact details to parents or pupils including those for social media and messaging apps.
  • You should never post anything online about the schools, pupils or parents you come into contact with.
  • Inform Flourish Education if you have any direct contact with any of the schools you teach at through us.
  • Regularly inform your consultant about your availability. If you cannot make an assignment, call your consultant at your earliest convenience to enable him/her to find a replacement teacher.
  • If you are unwell and are unable to attend your assignment, please call your consultant before 3pm the day before or if you come down with an illness the morning of your assignment, please make sure you call your consultant before 7am. Do not text!
  • Inform your consultant in writing if you move address, change your name, or have any changes in your personal circumstances which will prevent or restrict you from undertaking your role with us
  • Please ensure you have read and you keep updated with Keeping Children Safe in Education: Keeping children safe in education 2023 (publishing.service.gov.uk) and guidance provided by Safer Recruitment Consortium: Safer Recruitment Consortium training information


Flourish Education have been building strong relationships with schools and top teaching talent since 2010; supplying teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff into primary schools, secondary schools and academies across Birmingham and the wider West Midlands region.

We recognize that every school has their own unique culture, community and specific recruitment challenges and by understanding the needs of the schools that we work with and getting to know our candidates, we are able to match the right candidate to the right school.


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